
Missed period but not pregnant? - Causes of missed period explained

Missed period but not pregnant?

Missed Periods when you’re not expecting

Periods - you hate them when they're there but when they're late it can be the worst thing in the world. So what is a missed period all about and is it really all that bad? That depends. Some girls' periods arrive like clockwork. Others get theirs at different times each month, so before you have a stress attack it is best to give it some time. Read on for a few different reasons why your period might have been delayed.

Stress causing missed periods

Did you just move to a new city and the new school or work environment is freaking you out? Have you just been through an emotional break up? Are you writing your exams with all the worries and stress that go along with them? All these things, and many more, can cause you major stress. And if that wasn't enough, the stress can sometimes make you miss your period adding on to the stress even more.

Stress makes your body all weird and can do some super strange things to you. It can even stop the chemical that regulates your period (GnRH) from being made by your body. A good test to see if your stress levels are high is to answer the following questions:

Are you sleeping properly at night?
Do you tend to overeat at meal times, or are you too busy to feel hungry?
Are you getting irritated at the little problems life can throw your way?
Do you feel disorganised or like everything is happening too fast?
Are you feeling like you are unable to cope?
If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above questions you may be having more than just a bad day! So schedule some time to chill out a little so your body can get back to normal – and so can your periods!

Illness causing missed periods

If you get sick really quickly with flu, fever or stomach bug or if the bug affects you ‘down there’, there is a good chance that it could cause you to miss your period. When you go see the doctor about being unwell, mention that your monthly visitor hasn’t come yet and see if your sickness could be causing that. Yes it can feel a bit funny talking about your period with your doctor, but remember they talk about health stuff all day ☺ Chatting about a missed period is not going to worry them nearly as much as it’s worrying you!

Weight loss or Weight gain causing a missed period

If your best bud turned you onto this great new diet where you eat 1 pea a day and go running for 5 hours to lose all those kilos, you might also lose your period for that month (and lose that friend, let's be honest). Too much exercise and not eating three meals a day can cause your body to lose fat way too quickly and scare it into not having a period for the month. Likewise if you have been getting over that break up by consoling yourself with a tub of cookies and cream ice-cream and your body can’t deal with all the excess calories you could also miss your period. Anorexia and Bulimia are common eating conditions and they can really tear your body apart, if an eating disorder hits one of the first systems to shut down can be menstruation cycle. Eating disorders are very serious. If you suspect someone you know might be suffering from them, make sure you talk to someone you trust. Your body and you will be together for a long time so be sure to treat it nicely.

Other reasons for missing your period

If you have been clocking up some serious flying hours to all parts of the world (you jet setter, you!) your internal sleep timer/body clock can get all confused and cause you to miss your period. Changing some medications (like moving from one kind of contraceptive pill to another) can also make you miss a month or so until your body gets used to the new meds.

Older women who are going through menopause will start to get missed periods; this might happen to your mum or grandma. If you are a young girl and your periods have just started they might come at weird times of the month. Don’t worry, this is natural and your body will soon adjust. Just be sure to put on some Kotex® Daily Liners every day so you’ll be ready when Aunt Flo pays a visit! And when she does, have some Kotex® Total Protection with Pro-Active Guards handy to deal with those sudden gushes. If you have missed your period and none of the things above apply to you it’s best to see your doctor (yeah we know, we said it already!) as there may be something serious going on!

Source disclaimer: Article is adapted from original article source U by Kotex – Australia

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