Create An Account

Create a New Profile
User age less than 13 is not allowed
* All fields required
*First Name
*Last Name
*Mobile Number
* Birth Month
* Birth Year
*Create a Password
  • Contains a number
  • Contains a lower case character
  • Contains a upper case character
  • Contains a special character (@, #, or $)
  • Is Longer than 10 Characters
*Confirm Password
* By creating an account, I affirm that I am at least 18 years old and I agree to the processing of my personal data provided in accordance with Kimberly-Clark’s Terms of Use Terms and Conditions , Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy , which I have read and accepted.
* I consent to Kimberly-Clark collecting and processing my health information for the purpose of tracking my menstrual cycle.
I agree to receive communications about exclusive promotions, offers and products from Kotex® based on my health information.
*Parent Full Name
*Parent Email
* By creating an account, I affirm that I am below 18 years old I have my Parent/Legal Guardian’s consent to use this app in accordance with Kimberly-Clark’s Terms and Conditions , Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy , which I have read and accepted.
* I acknowledge that if my Parent/Legal Guardian replies to the “Parent/Guardian Consent Notification” email stating that they did not consent my use of the app, my account and the information I have provided to you will be automatically deleted.
* I affirm that I have my Parent/Legal guardian’s consent to Kimberly-Clark collecting and processing my health information for the purpose of tracking my menstrual cycle.
I affirm that I have my Parent/Legal guardian’s consent to receive communications about exclusive promotions, offers and products from Kotex® based on my health information.
User should be 14 years and above to request for Register